Self Help Groups

Self Help Groups

From one piglet to prosperity

The women BAF supports are encouraged to be in saving groups which we call self-help groups (SHG). Inside a village 5-10 women form a group and agree to come together once a week to save some small amount of money (around 20 - 50 cents). This money is saved so that the group members can progress towards a common goal for a micro business or meet any unforeseen emergency.

For more than a year now, we have had 7 groups and they have managed to save $100. This is not the only money these women have generated because some of their friends have managed to borrow some to use for agriculture and tailoring some clothes have also boosted their micro business budget.

20-50 cents can change a village

They started with piglets

From the Community farm that BAF runs, 4 of the groups have been outstanding and received a pig each to show our support. Today these pigs are very good sources of income as they can sell for up to $150 if raised and taken good care of. In less than 5 months these pigs will have contributed a big source of manure (local fertilizers) and also reproduce where each group member will now own a pig. A pig can produce 6 piglets in a period of 3 months if it is feeding well.

BAF staff will visit these groups regularly to provide more advice on how to raise and take care of the pigs. We believe this is a good way of transforming the communities we serve as it’s showing them how to work smart and earn money.

Working smart towards a common goal

BAF mentoring

After the project goes well, each family we support will receive a pig this year. This means that once the pigs start producing then the families can sell the piglets to earn money and solve any financial problem in their families. Let’s say a pig produces 6 piglets which within a month would be sold at $30 each family making a total of $180.

This will be a unique way to make a difference in these families as they will have contributed towards their development yet self-sustainability.

Through SHGs, we will achieve our goals and the families we support will create a big impact and influence through the whole community while setting examples where other people in the community will learn from them and also develop themselves. Eric IRADUKUNDA

Dirt covered wall